VOTE FOR 2022 – 2023 OFFICERS SUBMIT YOUR BALLOT BY NOON ON MAY 17, 2022 Name *Addess *Email *PRESIDENT MANDY GRAY - 1820 Bay Breeze Dr. OR Write In Write In for President 1st Vice President SHERI LOHMAN - 1605 Bay Breeze Dr. OR Write InWrite In for 1st Vice President 2nd Vice President ANNE WRIGHT - 1501 Bay Point Dr. OR Write InWrite In for 2nd Vice President Treasurer KENNY VAUGHN - 1509 Baypoint Dr. OR Write InWrite in for Treasurer Checkboxes GRAHAM FOX - 2028 Bay Breeze Cove OR Write INWrite In for Recording Secretary Corresponding Secretary - CHOOSE ONE or Write In ALISON CUNNINGHAM - 1592 Bay Point Dr,CHRISTINE WESTENDORF - 2028 Sunset PointWrite In for Corresponding Secretary Motion to approve the Baycliff Civic League contributing $25,000 from the BCL Capital Improvement Fund to partially fund Boat Ramp Repairs YES, I approveNO, I do not approveSubmit