Fill out and Submit your Baycliff Resident Directory Form. You can use your TAB button to move from one form field to the next, be sure to click the SUBMIT button when you're done. Email Address - This enables delivery of the Baycliff Bugle newsletter and community announcements via Baycliffwatch, our blind electronic communication system set up to ensure your email privacy, Optional - Share email address in Directory? YesNoFirst & Last Name Head of Household #1 Occupation Head of Household #1 Place of Employment Head of Household #1 First & Last Name Head of Household #2 Occupation Head of Household #2 Place of Employment Head of Household #2 Home Street Address Telephone # Child - Name Child - Age (as of 1/1/23) Child - School Child - Name #2 Child - Age #2 (as of 1/1/23) Child- School #2 Child - Name #3 Child - Age #3 (as of 1/1/23) Child #3 - School Child - Name #4 Child - Age #4 (as of 1/1/23) Child at Home #4 - School Other Family Members in Home - Name Other Family Members in Home - Relationship Other Family Members in Home - #2 Name Other Family Members in Home - #2 Relationship Special Interests or Hobbies The Baycliff Resident Directory includes a BABYSITTER LIST, and parents are encouraged to list the NAMES AND CELL PHONE NUMBERS of teens seeking babysitting jobs. The Baycliff Resident Directory includes a "Services" Directory offering paid help (lawn mowing, yard work, vacation pet care, tutoring, music lessons, etc,) from neighbors. Please include any services you wish to offer the Baycliff community in the space below. CommentSubmit